The posts slider block lets you display your posts in a slider with the post titles and excerpts over the post featured image.

Post Slider with slideshow

This option displays the posts in a slideshow that automatically slides to the different posts. Notice the height difference and dots are displayed outside of the image.

A Healthier Attitude In Stressful Times

A Healthier Attitude In Stressful Times

As human beings, we are continually faced with challenges, difficulties and temporary setbacks. They are an unavoidable aspect of being human. By learning how to manage stress and respond with

How Internalized Emotions Turn Into Physical Pain

How Internalized Emotions Turn Into Physical Pain

We all internalize things, situations, or even people differently. You cannot pour from an empty cup. My husband has been continuously telling me this because it was such a difficult

Understanding the Significance of Emotional Intelligence

Understanding the Significance of Emotional Intelligence

Be intelligent, follow the footprints of intelligent people, take their learnings and train under them so that you could also grab the wisdom they acquire. These are the stereotype statements

Anxiety Triggers – Alone and in Company

Anxiety Triggers – Alone and in Company

Is anxiety something that is there all the time, or is it especially active when others are there? I asked the question of if you lost a bit of nervousness

Healthy Living – Four Great Ways To Kick-Start Your Transformation

Healthy Living – Four Great Ways To Kick-Start Your Transformation

Are you getting geared up to begin your very own transformation? If so, it is time to seriously consider what you should be doing to help promote progress. The truth

Slider without slideshow

The example below has the slideshow feature disabled and does not automatically advance to the next post. Also the dots are inside the image and the height has been adjusted to be taller.

A Healthier Attitude In Stressful Times

A Healthier Attitude In Stressful Times

As human beings, we are continually faced with challenges, difficulties and temporary setbacks. They are an unavoidable aspect of being human. By learning how to manage stress and respond with

How Internalized Emotions Turn Into Physical Pain

How Internalized Emotions Turn Into Physical Pain

We all internalize things, situations, or even people differently. You cannot pour from an empty cup. My husband has been continuously telling me this because it was such a difficult

Understanding the Significance of Emotional Intelligence

Understanding the Significance of Emotional Intelligence

Be intelligent, follow the footprints of intelligent people, take their learnings and train under them so that you could also grab the wisdom they acquire. These are the stereotype statements

Anxiety Triggers – Alone and in Company

Anxiety Triggers – Alone and in Company

Is anxiety something that is there all the time, or is it especially active when others are there? I asked the question of if you lost a bit of nervousness

Healthy Living – Four Great Ways To Kick-Start Your Transformation

Healthy Living – Four Great Ways To Kick-Start Your Transformation

Are you getting geared up to begin your very own transformation? If so, it is time to seriously consider what you should be doing to help promote progress. The truth