Posts Carousel

Display your blog posts or pages in a carousel. Display certain categories, control the number of items to display, order by, slideshow, and more.

Single Image with Slideshow

This example shows 1 image at a time with the slideshow option to automatically play.

Flourish in Your Accomplishments

I was recently asked by a student, “How can I flourish in my accomplishments?” Too often we forget or make light of our accomplishments. Even people who have accomplished a

3 usual attributes for success

3 Hard But Useful Attributes to Help You Succeed

Sometimes we have to do hard things to become great. If we do easy things, our lives become hard in the future. If we do hard things our lives become

Maximize Potential

Deveoping a Winning Attitude

To win, you should try and break the pattern of losing. Unfortunately, losing is more familiar to us than winning. It seems easier. And it probably is because most of

Follow Your Dreams

Follow Your Dreams – Don’t Delay

Most of us have had dreams for our future, dreams are what gives life-blood to our desires; but how many or us let them dwindle away without fulfilling them? You

Life Is Not Easy – At Best, It Is Satisfying

All failure is a temporary stepping stone to success at best. The most genuine successes have the bigger seeming failures that are the most temporary stepping stones to genuine permanent

Multiple images with no slideshow

This example shows multiple images at once but has slideshow disabled and does not automatically advance.

Flourish in Your Accomplishments

I was recently asked by a student, “How can I flourish in my accomplishments?” Too often we forget or make light of our accomplishments. Even people who have accomplished a

3 usual attributes for success

3 Hard But Useful Attributes to Help You Succeed

Sometimes we have to do hard things to become great. If we do easy things, our lives become hard in the future. If we do hard things our lives become

Maximize Potential

Deveoping a Winning Attitude

To win, you should try and break the pattern of losing. Unfortunately, losing is more familiar to us than winning. It seems easier. And it probably is because most of

Follow Your Dreams

Follow Your Dreams – Don’t Delay

Most of us have had dreams for our future, dreams are what gives life-blood to our desires; but how many or us let them dwindle away without fulfilling them? You

Life Is Not Easy – At Best, It Is Satisfying

All failure is a temporary stepping stone to success at best. The most genuine successes have the bigger seeming failures that are the most temporary stepping stones to genuine permanent