Self Improvement

Deveoping a Winning Attitude

To win, you should try and break the pattern of losing. Unfortunately, losing is more familiar to us than winning. It seems easier. And it probably is because most of us expect to lose, and not win.

But should this really be our attitude? Should we always be setting ourselves for defeat? Or should we change our mind and attitude and expect to win instead?

Breaking the attitude of losing can be hard work at first. We should try to create a serious shift in mentality and focus. We must believe that we can win. We can only do this with a shift in mentality.

Without a shift in our train of thought, we may get stuck in a losing pattern for the rest of our lives. And this is something that we should all try to avoid. Because we can all win at something. We just must find what we are good at. And most of us have at least one or two things that we are good at.

The good news is that most of us have more potential than we think we do. We must act like a champion and expect more of ourselves. It’s never too late to get started.

Here are a few things to try to develop a more positive mindset.

1. We have to see ourselves as the winners that we are. Most people make winning way too complicated. People who end up winning do so because they decide they’re going to do it. They have a hunger to be more than are right now. They decide they won’t quit.

2. Act like a winner. Winners live and move differently from losers. They have a positive outlook and they keep looking forward instead of back.

3. Don’t be negative towards yourself or your skills. If you catch yourself saying negative things about yourself, stop yourself right away. Then replace the negative statement that you are making with a positive one.

4. We are wired for challenge. If we don’t challenge ourselves, we just keep getting more mediocre. So, the trick is to keep challenging ourselves to be better and better. The more we can do this, the more successful we will be. And the more successful we will be, the more of a winning attitude you will develop.

By taking these steps and making these mental shifts, you can develop a winning attitude. We all have things that we can do well. Can you imagine how different your life would be if you acted like a winner instead of a loser? Can you imagine all the opportunities you can attract? Can you imagine all the wonderful people you can attract to yourself? Well all of this can be yours just by making a shift in attitude. So, are you up for the challenge?

Irene S. Roth writes for teens, tweens, and kids about self-empowerment. She is the author of over thirty-five books and over five hundred online articles. She also has four hundred and sixty published book reviews both online and in print. For more writing tips, please visit her website at In addition, she has several books published about self-esteem. Please double click on this link to read about one of them.

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I’m Jane, interior designer, and organizing fanatic. I’ve been transforming spaces and organizing the lives of people’s homes for over a decade.